• NASA
  • ADPC
  • NASA
  • ADPC
  • Mekong River Commission

The Reservoir Assessment Tool for Lower Mekong Basin (RAT-Mekong) is developed based on satellite remote sensing data of Landsat/Sentinel and VIC hydrological model. This tool is now in the development stage. The RAT-Mekong team is working hard to improve the accuracy of the calibrated results from the VIC hydrological model and other parameters used in this tool. The outputs of this tool may vary from the ground-level data. So, this tool has not ensured or made guaranteed the acceptable level of accuracy of the outputs at this stage. Hence, the development team does not take any responsibility/liability for making the wrong decision based on the outputs of the existing RAT-Mekong tool.

Our Partners


Spatial Informatics Group
Stockholm Environment Institute
University of Washington
University of Houston
Mekong River Commission
Spatial Informatics Group
Stockholm Environment Institute
University of Washington
University of Houston